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典 dian

Home Pinyin dian

宝典 bǎodiǎn collection

大典 dàdiǎn grand ceremony

典当 diǎndāng pawn

典范 diǎnfàn canonical; model; paradigmatic

典故 diǎngù allusion; allusive

典礼 diǎnlǐ ceremony

典型 diǎnxíng characteristically; quintessential; typical; typified

典雅 diǎnyǎ elegant

恩典 ēndiǎn grace

法典 fǎdiǎn codex

古典 gǔdiǎn classical

经典 jīngdiǎn classic; classically; classics

庆典 qìngdiǎn bash; celebration

瑞典 ruìdiǎn sweden

雅典 yǎdiǎn athens

字典 zìdiǎn dictionaries; dictionary; lexicographic; lexicographically

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